My Approach
As a Master Intuitive Psychology Coach I help you to connect with your intuition, which holds all of the wisdom and answers that you need to connect with your true authentic self, heal yourself and to find peace and wholeness. But what does that actually mean?
Our true authentic self is made up of lots of different parts and by both conscious and unconscious thoughts and behaviours. We often try to suppress the parts of us that we don't like and the emotions that come with these thoughts and behaviours. But this is where we can become stuck, because we only choose to accept or acknowledge the parts of us that we believe are ok, or that others perceive to be ok. As your coach, I will help you to explore what is going on for you on an unconscious level. These unconscious thoughts and beliefs often come out in ways such as self sabotaging behaviour, people pleasing, anxiety, low mood, guilt, shame and repeated cycles within your life.
Most talking therapy focuses on a person's story, the narrative that is playing out in their head either from their past experiences or situations causing them distress in the present. Most coaching focuses solely on the future, by setting goals and relying on willpower to move people forwards. I am a huge advocate of counselling and any form of therapy, self development and increasing self awareness but often therapies focus solely on the conscious mind and this is why these therapies have their limitations.
As the image below shows, our conscious only makes up between 5 and 10% of our thoughts and behaviours. The vast majority of our thoughts and behaviours are subconscious. By tapping into these subconscious beliefs and thoughts, through the power of your intuition I can help you to really connect with what is holding you back and causing you to feel lost, stuck and discontented. This is why my approach is different to the majority of other therapies that you may have already tried.

Most talking therapy focuses on a person's story, the narrative that is playing out in their head either from their past experiences or situations causing them distress in the present. Most coaching focuses solely on the future, by setting goals and relying on willpower to move people forwards. I am a huge advocate of counselling and any form of therapy, self development and increasing self awareness but often therapies focus solely on the conscious mind and this is why these therapies have their limitations.
I can take you further and deeper than perhaps you have ever been before. In to the depths of your unconscious, to shine a light on the parts that have been put in the shadow. The parts that you dislike, the parts that you fear and ultimately the parts that are holding you back. Together, we will explore your past, present and future. Our past holds valuable lessons and experiences, which shape our present reality. By acknowledging and processing the past you can release any emotional burdens and attachments you have that are no longer serving you. I work with your present, as this is where transformation happens. I help you to cultivate a present that truely aligns with you by strengthening your intuition, so you become more attuned to your thoughts, feelings and physical sensations. Together we will explore your future. A future full of untapped potential and possibilities. But most importantly, a future for you. Not for anyone else. I will help you to create meaningful goals by aligning present actions with future aspirations so you can move forward with purpose, passion and authenticity.
What is Intuitive Psychology Coaching?
In a world where we have access to infinite amounts of information, people are still more unwell, more depressed, more anxious and more stressed than ever. Often the belief is that once you have achieved something in your external world, like earn more money, get a new job, or lose weight or leave a relationship that you will be happy. But often these things just don't work. They may bring a small relief to discontent for a short period of time but the studies show that changing the external things rarely result in happiness. Because your external world is often a reflection of your internal world.
Intuitive Psychology Coaching focuses on the internal world and your own innate ability to trust, know and heal yourself through the power of your intuition – underpinned by the theory, research, and practice of psychology.
Intuitive Psychology goes beyond conscious meaning to access your inner wisdom and cultivate self-leadership. By tuning in to and trusting what feels right, and drowning out the noise of past experiences and present expectations, you can build a future where you're free to flourish.
It’s the meeting point of modern psychology and ancient wisdom.
It’s holistic spirituality and evidence-based science.
It’s Intuitive Psychology.
Listen to the Intuitive Psychology Podcast below - a great way to truely understand the concepts of IPA.